Table of Contents

Hospital hyperglycemia protocol for non-critical patients in a tertiary-level university hospital

Published on: 26th October, 2022

Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a frequent comorbidity in hospitalized patients, with prevalence ranging from 15% - 35%. However, in almost half of the cases, this antecedent is omitted in the medical records or even unknown by the patient. Furthermore, about 10% of hospitalized individuals may have hyperglycemia of stress, a condition characterized by transient and reversible elevation of blood glucose, in the presence of acute circumstances, such as trauma, surgery, medications, shock, or infections [1].
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Knowledge and self-reported practice of insulin injection device disposal and associated factors among diabetes patients in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: A cross-sectional study

Published on: 26th September, 2022

Background: Diabetes mellitus is a serious long-term condition with a major impact on the lives and well-being, of societies worldwide. Poor disposal practices of devices potentially result in personal injury and injuries to people in the household and the general community. This study aimed to assess the knowledge and self-reported practice of insulin injection device disposal and associated factors among diabetes patients in TASH, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 182 adults with diabetes. The study participants were selected through systematic random sampling. Data were collected from March/17/2020 - May/18/2020. Patients were interviewed using a structured questionnaire. Data were entered into Epi-data version 4. 6 and exported to SPSS version 25.0 for analysis. Bivariable and multivariable logistic regression with crude and adjusted odds ratios along with the 95% confidence interval was computed and interpreted accordingly. Good practice and adequate knowledge were defined based on median calculation; a result above the median value of good practice and adequate knowledge with a p - value < 0.05 was considered to declare a result as statistically significant.Results: About 54% of the participants had inadequate knowledge about safe insulin injection waste disposal. More than two-thirds (73%) of respondents had poor practice and 92.3% of respondents did not know how to dispose of lancets after use.Conclusion: This study revealed that the knowledge and practice of diabetic patients were inadequate and poor towards safe insulin injection waste disposal in the study area. Educating patients and awareness creation training on proper insulin injection device disposal should be considerable. 
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Personal and academic factors of stress in nursing students during clinical practices in the context of COVID-19

Published on: 23rd March, 2022

In the year 2020, COVID-19 spread globally. The increase in cases and deaths has created problems such as stress, anxiety, and depression in health workers.The health care workers (inclusive of students in professional practices are vulnerable to psychiatric pathology due to their exposure to the virus, their increased risk of contagion and even death, overload of functions, pressure for decision-making, the close experience of patients, relatives, and colleagues’ pain, and the requirement to function at the top of capacity.The objective of this research is to analyse the personal and academic factors of stress development in nursing students, during clinical practices in the COVID-19 context.It is a cases and controls study, with 154 students who attended clinical practices during the period of May-August 2020. High levels of stress were found in 61% of students, 34 of these had difficulties concentrating (OR: 3.08), 64 participants reported fear of contact with COVID-19 patients, (OR: 1.9) and 68 participants were identified with inadequate knowledge of COVID-19 transmission (OR: 1.5).The study found that the transition to virtual classes as a strategy to reduce contagion increases three times the possibilities of developing stress, another variable that doubles the risk of stress is the fear of caring for a patient with COVID-19 who has not been diagnosed.
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SARS-CoV-2, the emperor’s new clothes and medical tyranny

Published on: 10th March, 2022

SARS-CoV-2 revisits a children’s fairy tale, the Emperor’s New Clothes. The swindler- salesmen are Biden, Fauci, et al. The magical clothes are their deliberate “pandemic of fear,” and the duped emperor is the American public.Extensive evidence is presented here of a great scam. The data details the true and low health risks of SARS-CoV-2; viral biology of natural immunity and the immune response from experimental mRNA gene therapy; side effects of the “jab;” and the draconian consequences of federal mandates. Differences between official pronouncements and scientific data are highlighted.The goal of the SARS-CoV-2 Big Con or scam is the nullification of the U.S. Bill of Rights in order to restore tyranny over the American public. We the People can fight for freedom with ballots and dollars.
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Prevention of workplace violence in ED nursing using the implementation of an educational program and a new reporting tool

Published on: 7th January, 2022

The Emergency Department (ED) is a place that regularly deals with acute scenarios and people that are generally sensitive in nature. In a fast-paced environment such as this, people can be emotionally charged and react in different ways. Unfortunately, nurses in the ED tend to be most affected. Literature shows that workplace violence incidents that occur tend to involve ED nurses. Furthermore, ED nurses are more inclined to have an attitude that makes them think that any acts of transgression are “part of the job” and incidents usually go underreported. Moreover, reporting tools are usually difficult to use and tend to be a barrier to reporting workplace violence. In this evidence-based project, ED nurses will participate in an educational prevention program that will help equip them with the knowledge and awareness that is needed to decrease the incidence of workplace violence. Furthermore, a new, easy-to-use reporting tool will be implemented for ED staff. An implementation of an easier reporting tool and an education prevention program on the incidence of workplace violence will help reduce the number of future incidents of workplace violence. The purpose of this evidence-based project is to create a “zero tolerance” workplace culture for ED nurses that ultimately decreases the incidence of workplace violence. Based on research, an educational program and new reporting tool will be implemented at an urban community hospital in Westchester. Included is a purpose statement, and operational and conceptual definition, PICO questions, and an evidence-based practice protocol for workplace violence.
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