
Research Article

Knowledge and views about coordinated individual planning from the perspective of active older adults

Ingela Jobe, Asa Engstrom and Birgitta Lindberg*

Published: 05 June, 2019 | Volume 3 - Issue 1 | Pages: 017-026

Background: Today’s older adults are often well informed and want to participate in decision-making processes. The coordinated individual planning process offers them active involvement in deciding and owning how their care will be managed.

Aim: The aim of the study was to explore active older adults’ knowledge and views regarding coordinated individual planning.

Methods: The study has an exploratory inductive approach. Five focus-group discussions were conducted with 40 participants from different organizations and associations. A qualitative interpretive description framework was used, and the analysis resulted in four unique themes.

Results: The four themes resulting from the analysis are collaboration and continuity, participation and involvement in decision, individual need for support, and access to information and service. Collaboration between different levels of the healthcare system and between professionals is crucial. Older adults wanted to be participating actors in their healthcare. They worried about the lack of continuity and thought that services were not responsive or did not meet individuals’ needs.

Conclusion: Older adults want their views and preferences to be taken into consideration, and they want to be actively engaged in the decision-making process regarding their care.

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