
Research Article

Best and effective practices of wound care and healing among patients with Diabetes Mellitus

Jefferson Garcia Guerrero*

Published: 19 December, 2018 | Volume 2 - Issue 1 | Pages: 025-031

Aim: With the continuing trend in the incidence of diabetic ulcer, the current researches on wound care and healing will bring best and effective practices on wound care and healing among patients suffering from diabetes mellitus.

Methods: This study utilized a systematic review of literatures in light of wound care through Pub Med database with the key words “Diabetes Mellitus,” “wound practices,” “wound healing,” and “systematic review.” The searched literatures were of case reports, interventional studies, and review papers whose main texts were in English.

Results: There were 7,988 published articles yielded from the keywords used and 16 were included in this study. The practiced management and techniques in these literatures focused on comfortable and cost efficient means of wound care and healing with the involvement of group participation than individual plan of care.

Conclusions: There are meager evidences of feasible wound and healing options that needs further studies in resolving wound issues among patients with Diabetes Mellitus. This systematic review establishes the insufficiency of high level of evidence based studies on wound healing in DM patients and brings a track for continuity of rigid studies concerning this topic.

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Systematic review; Diabetes mellitus; Wound care and practices; Wound healing


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