
Review Article

Caring Difficulties of Parents’ Towards Children with Cerebral Palsy

Melike Ertem*

Published: 16 May, 2017 | Volume 1 - Issue 1 | Pages: 031-033

Children with cerebral palsy may have one or more of mental, psychomotor, visual, audio or speech problems. Not being a well-defined disease with clear boundaries, it is regarded as a set of conditions caused by various reasons. In this regard, children with CP have to depend on their families or caregivers and cope with physical, mental, social and economic problems due to their condition. Therefore, it turns out to be crucial to determine the needs of the family with children with CP so that the programs that will assist them during this process can be developed. The study further revealed that the parents of the children with cerebral palsy needed information about controlling their children’s behaviors and teaching them certain behaviors; they needed to talk to the teacher and/or therapist of the child; they needed support about making time for themselves; they needed community services about finding a care center or a nursery suitable for their children’s needs.

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